We will never forget what God has done
What happened?
Ending-covid19 is an international movement launched on April 6th, 2020 for prayer in Christian unity against Covid-19.
In just 6 days, more than 103,000 Christians from 193 nations, of all Christian denominations, pledged to pray together from April 9th to 11th, the 3 days before Easter, to call for the decline of Covid-19. For even greater unity, and so as to continue the struggle in prayer, this initiative continued until April 19th, the celebration of Orthodox Easter.
We can say that this movement led by the Holy Spirit was a real wave of hope for our troubled world.

The numbers
Brothers and sisters from all nations of the world and from all Christian confessions,
We give thanks to God for these 3 holy days when we invoked together the Name of Jesus to stop this pandemic! 🔥
More than one million people praying
About ten days before Easter, we had it in our hearts that it would be wonderful if at least a million Christians could come together to pray against COVID 19 in the three days leading up to Easter.
Even though we did not reach 1 million people praying on the site, we were contacted during the course of our project and made aware of many Christian initiatives in the world (such as the European Movement Burn 24-7, the International Movement of Mr. Evans Ministries, etc.) which also had the inspiration, during these same 3 days, to ask God for the decline of Covid-19. Thus, the total number of prayers of all these movements was well over one million! Glory be to God! The Holy Spirit is at work! God has fulfilled his plan through all these initiatives.
A holy coincidence
The press announced this Saturday, April 11, 2020 the terrible number of just over 103,000 deaths* linked to Covid-19 and 193 countries and territories affected. At the end of the ending-covid19 movement, that same Saturday, we also noted a little more than 103,000 prayers on our site and exactly 193 countries and territories included in this international movement of prayers in Christian unity in the face of Covid-19.
Yes, in response to our world mourning these 103,000 deaths on April 11, 103,000 praying people were united on that same day to intercede and sow hope in the hearts of men. In the same way, in response to this scourge that has spread to the four corners of the earth, the Lord has raised up this fervent movement of prayer across borders. God has visited his people.
May the Lord grant us the end of this pandemic and the consolation of all those who have been affected. ❤️
Yes, Jesus is here, and Life will have the last word over death! This is the Easter message that we announce to the world.
This is our prayer, this is our faith! Hope does not disappoint.
Jesus Christ is Risen! 🙌
** 103 141 à 11h samedi 11 avril, source AFP
Some beautiful fruit was witnessed
« Our help is in the name of the Lord... » Psalms 124:8
- An unforgettable moment of prayerful unity throughout the world (Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox...)
- A downward trend of Covid-19 in several hard-hit countries (Italy, Spain, France...).
For example, in France the decline began from the first day of prayer (Thursday April 9th - a decrease in the number of people entering intensive care units due to Covid-19) and this progressive decline continues to this day (9th consecutive day: official source - Pr Salomon Director of Health). In addition, for the 3rd consecutive day, the number of hospitalizations due to Covid-19 in France has also decreased.
We share these official figures with thanksgiving, knowing that we must persevere in prayer as long as Covid-19 is present.
Indeed, if the project comes to an end, prayer must continue! That is why we invite you to continue this prayer fervently until the end of this pandemic. 🙏🏻
We pray and consider especially all the countries, all the families, all the patients of Covid-19 who, to this day, are still suffering and in pain.
So, as Jesus taught us, let us pray without tiring and without becoming discouraged! (Luke 18:1)
Finally, Christian brothers and sisters from all over the world, may God bless you through Jesus Christ and fill you with the unique Spirit of his peace and Love. ❤️
In the joy of being together again in common prayer,
The ending-covid19 committee